Monday, January 12, 2015

1 Underestimated Attribute That Only Winners Understand

Have you ever had a moment where you wanted something so bad but it seemed like it took forever?

I remember thinking to myself at times, "If I just had a million dollars then life would be perfect!"

Of course, the million never came, and I was left with either the choice of giving up on a path that was tremendously difficult both financially and emotionally.  But I didn't, a little voice saying to me, "How you do one thing is how you do everything."  Now there definitely is times to appropriately quit and find different environments, but with this one I evaluated myself,

"If I stay on this path will this draw my true potential or diminish it?"

The answer was clear, but immensely uncomfortable.

However, because I stuck with it, something magical happened.

The magic happened when I was at my apex of frustration, the height of desperation, and I shouted to myself inside "For things to get better, I must get better!!!"  And I was hungry, hunting for any information that would turn the tide in my entrepreneurial and life endeavours.

I did find trainings and education that has flipped my world upside down, 180 degrees, and are giving me results I wouldn't have ever imagined in my fondest dreams.

The attribute that I need that allowed me to get to that place?


But I misunderstood patience for the longest time - it's not simply hoping and wishing for things to get better when circumstances are hard or problems seem unending.  Patient people have a plan - a real effective plan brings hope.  A true plan brings inspired vision and exciting possibility.  If you're not feeling confident or excited about your plan, work it until you do.

When Michael Jordan was cut from a basketball team, he didn't give up, he dug deep, practiced harder and longer than anyone else, and went onto to lead his team into multiple NBA championships.

When our family went through a house fire, I remember my Dad saying to my anxious, worried Mom on the phone "Things are going to be just fine, we've been through storms, we know how to get them, storms don't last forever.  This too will pass."

When Thomas Edison failed for the 9,997 time, he simply said, "This doesn't work.  What might I do differently to make this work even better?"

Patient people don't just wait, watching youtube videos or scrolling Facebook newsfeeds while the plan is ignored.  Patient has many family members that make it the Underestimated attribute that it is.

Work is an integral part of patience.  If there is no work, you're not being patient, you're just waiting for something that's not being worked on.

I ask myself, "Am I nurturing this plan every day or in the frequency it requires?"

A seed that is neglected its nurturement but being waited, will never grow.

A relationship that is not blossoming in passion or progression but the other partner wishes that partner would change is setting themselves up for failure.

Wanting even more money without even giving a thought of how to serve or working that plan to serve will bring pitiful results.

There's one more component that if left ignored, the whole goal won't even matter, you'll be resentful about it, and done completely out of obligation.  But if it is there, there will be the motivation and momentum to go for it.

My friend Brandon Broadwater with Higher Laws said this, "Nothing we do matters, unless we do it with love."

Have you ever done business with someone who loved what they did?  Or they just loved to be there?  Or they just loved to meet and be with you?  Isn't that the best way to experience relationships?

How do we generate that love we need for something if we don't feel like it?

This is the process I use (but you can modify it to what might work even better for you)

1)  Listen Uplifting Music
2) Express Gratitude "What am I grateful for right now?  What would me life be like without this?"
3) Remember the People That Believed in me enough to love me
4) Ask myself, "What would make them smile today?"
5) Ask myself, "Can I just ______" (fill in an action step super easy) - see a blog by Derek Doepker -incredible! - 3 Magic Words To Overcome Overwhelm
6) Go and do it

You're guaranteed to enjoy the confidence of patience if you add in the elements of work, an effective plan, and love.  These have shifted my thoughts from "Will this ever happen for me?" to "I know this will happen, it will just need some time."

And you can enjoy those thoughts just as easily.

If you’d like to learn more about some of the trainings I’ve attended click here

If you’d like to contact me and connect you can email me at

If you’re local to Calgary, AB area and want to attend a Meetup Group I run click here


  1. I love how real you are
    I makes me love you, and want to sit down and talk with you for hours

    "If I stay on this path will this draw my true potential or diminish it?"

    The answer was clear, but immensely uncomfortable.

  2. I live in Edmonton, Alberta, wish you were just a little closer. Proud to have you as a fellow Albertan.
